How to Identify a Loyal Person: 7 Traits of a Loyal Person

Ellice. W
3 min readMay 19, 2021

Loyalty is one of the most important qualities to have in a companion. It is one of the pillars that provide support to a relationship. If you have this virtue, then you can have a successful personal, professional, and romantic relationship.

Staying loyal to someone or something also improves mental wellbeing. The meaning of loyalty differs from one person to another. However, there are some common traits that indicate loyalty.

If you know about these traits, then you can identify whether someone will be loyal to you or not.

Here are a Few Traits of a Loyal Person

1. Honesty

A loyal person will value honesty above everything else and this is the primary trait. A loyal friend may not agree with you on every matter; however, he/she will never be pretentious.

A loyal person will always let you know the truth even if the opinion does not match yours. A loyal friend will always want the best for you and will never lie or pretend to make you feel better.

2. They Stand by You and Take a Stand for You

A loyal friend will be a friend in need and will stand by you through the tough periods of your life. Whether you go through breakups, suffer from an illness, or have to withstand other difficulties, you will never feel alone when you are with a loyal friend.

They will provide you with emotional support even if there is disagreement. They will catch you whenever you fall and will try to heal your wound. They will never hurt your feelings by saying ‘I told you so’.

A loyal friend will always stand up for you. They will not just be nice to you. They will prevent others from spreading rumours or lies about you. Their friendship will be authentic. A loyal friend will never criticize you in front of others even when you are wrong and will always stand up for you.

3. They Respect Boundaries

People who are always loyal to their values and beliefs are more likely to stay loyal to their friends. A loyal friend will stand by you at all times. However, he/she will set boundaries based on their values or beliefs.

They will not let anyone abuse or misuse their loyalty for personal benefit. Alongside having boundaries, a loyal person never disrespects the boundaries set by others.

4. They Celebrate Your Success

Jealousy is not the trait of a loyal person. If your friend or partner is loyal to you, then you will always find him/her celebrating your success with as much zeal as if they are celebrating their own success. They will genuinely be happy when you achieve a goal.

Additional Read: Are Conflicts in a Relationship Good or Bad?

5. They have a Positive Outlook on Life

It is hard to find a person who always has a positive outlook irrespective of what happens in life. However, a loyal person will usually have a positive outlook on life.

According to relationship counsellors, a person with a positive outlook on life will apply this attitude to relationships. Thus, they are more likely to be satisfied in a relationship and are less likely to deviate. Continue reading a full blog here



Ellice. W

An experienced Life Coach and writer for lifestyle — wellness industry. I write content on personal, financial, and generational wholeness tips for my audience.