Find the Meditation Technique that Suits You— Divine You

Ellice. W
3 min readJul 27, 2021

Out of all the different meditation techniques find the best one for you. Try and Practice the one that will benefit your needs.

Types of Meditation Techniques
Image Source: Divine You Wellness

What is Meditation?

There are many different types of meditation stemming from Buddhist practices. Different schools of Buddhist practices are studied around the world. Secular mindfulness is divorced from such traditions and encompasses different meditation practices. Meditation involves training the mind so that it is aware of the current moment.

Some techniques involve focusing on breathing and others focus on chanting mantras. The underlying thread is the observation of feelings and thoughts without passing judgment. When the mind wanders, just get back to the present; the non-judgmental part of meditation makes it popular among its practitioners. Do this daily for 5–10 minutes for stress reduction and to increase your sense of well-being.

10 Types of Meditation to Try and Practice

1) Mindfulness Meditation

This technique urges practitioners to remain present and aware of the current moment. Instead of thinking about the future or the past, meditation allows you to be aware of your surroundings. In that space, there is a complete lack of judgment.

Practice this anywhere you like, taking in your surroundings by noticing the smells, sounds, and sights. Breath awareness is also a part of this practice. Progressive relaxation aids in drawing attention to the tense areas of the body.

2) Guided Meditation

This meditation technique is also known as “guided imaginary,” where you form mental situations or pictures that help you to relax. A teacher or guide typically leads the process, using multiple sounds, textures, and smells to help you relax and evoke calmness.

3) Focused Meditation

Here you focus on the sound of your breathing or you chant a mantra. This works for your brain just like the bicep curl. When the mind wanders away, the practitioners bring the wandering thoughts back.

Do this when you want to improve your focus, remain present in life, and listen well. This process quickly improves concentration and can be done with just ten minutes of practice.

4) Breath Awareness Meditation

This mindful meditation technique encourages mindful breathing. Here, you breathe deeply and slowly, focusing on counting your breath.

The aim here is to focus on breathing and ignore any other thoughts entering the mind. This offers benefits similar to mindfulness like reduced anxiety, more emotional flexibility, and better concentration.

5) Spiritual Meditation

Used in Daoism and Hinduism along with the Christina faith, this meditation technique reflects on the surrounding silence and seeks a deep connection with the universe in general or God. You can enhance your meditation by using essential oils such as frankincense, sage, myrrh, palo santo, cedar, and sandalwood.

You can practice this type of meditation at any worshipping space or at home. Such practice is good for people thriving in silence or seeking spiritual growth.

6) Metta Meditation

The loving-kindness method is used to direct well wishes to others and involves the recitation of specific phrases and words that generate warm-hearted feelings.

This is common in vipassana meditation and mindfulness. Practice this while in a relaxed and comfortable position, directing loving-kindness in your direction. After this, you can picture a friend or family member you like and repeat this mantra again to send them good wishes.

Continue the process with other people. Try to include people you are at ads with. The final step is wishing that the world at large remains happy, turning this into a universal mantra.

Additional Read

Why Do You Need Yoga in Your Life?

7) Movement Meditation

Most people equate yoga with movement mediation. However, this method often includes walking in the woods, qigong, gardening, and a variety of gentle motions. The movement of the body is your guide in movement meditation. This method is ideal for practitioners who experience peace when in action.

Continue reading about all the meditation techniques by clicking here

Originally published at on July 27, 2021.



Ellice. W

An experienced Life Coach and writer for lifestyle — wellness industry. I write content on personal, financial, and generational wholeness tips for my audience.