You will find numerous suggestions over the internet regarding diet plans promising to shed bodyweight whilst keeping you healthy. However, the contradictory messages received through these suggestions may seem confusing to someone who is trying to lose weight by eating the right type of food.
The claims made by some of the popular diet plans are even supported by little to no research. There is no guarantee that these diet plans will help you lose weight whilst looking after your health. In this article, you will find 10 useful tips if you want to lose weight naturally by eating the right food in the right way.
1. Drink Water, Especially Before Meals
Your metabolism receives a boost (about 24%-30%) over a period of 1–1.5 hours when you drink water. Therefore, your body can burn more calories. If you drink 17 ounces or half-liter of water about half an hour before the meals, then you will eat less and receive fewer calories. On the other hand, your body can burn more calories since you drank water before having a meal.
2. Eat Slowly
It is essential to chew the food properly, as it leads to better digestion; however, this is not the only benefit. You can relish the taste of food when you eat slowly and your body receives better signals with regards to satiety, as it takes time for the brain to learn about the feeling of fullness. Therefore, you consume fewer calories and have better digestion when eating slowly.
3. Eat Your Breakfast
You have the risk of developing many diseases if you often skip breakfast, such as hypertension, clogged arteries, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
Skipping breakfast may even cause obesity, as you tend to eat more if you are famished during lunch or brunch. On the other hand, your insulin sensitivity (body’s response to the insulin hormone) increases, and total caloric intake (throughout the day) decreases after having breakfast.
Therefore, it is important to have a protein-rich breakfast that includes eggs (source of omega-3), organic dairy (low fat), lean meat, and whole grains (source of high protein).
4. Exercise whenever Possible
You will burn calories doing any type of physical activity. Therefore, you have to exercise or move the body whenever it is possible. You may do it in the seated position, standing position, or when lying down.
Every minute of exercise or physical activity counts if you’d want to burn calories. You may even work out (Yoga, free-hand, aerobics, etc.) alongside doing these activities to burn more calories and to have a well-toned body.
You will not put on weight in the future if you exercise or do tasks that require movement which is another benefit of working out.
5. Never Skip a Meal
You may be tempted to skip a meal, as you can shed a few calories from the diet chart in this way. However, it is important not to skip any meal, as your body craves calorie-rich food when it does not receive sufficient calories (unit of energy) from the consumed food.
Hence, it is essential not to skip any meal. It is equally important not to eat a lot at once in order to keep long gaps between both meals. It leads to a calorie surplus, as you consume more calories than your body can burn over a period of time.
Your body will store the excess calories as fat. Therefore, you take small meals every 4–5 hours if you want to lose weight.
Additional Read
Best Healthy Diet Plan Approved by Government
6. Portion Distribution
Measuring the quantity of food intake is as important as determining the quality of food intake. Therefore, your calorie intake throughout the day is directly related to the portion size.
The more you eat at each meal, the more calories you consume. You may use a measuring cup or spoon to maintain a satisfying portion size. Measuring cups or spoons are extremely useful when eating out of the box, as you have an idea regarding the portion size.
A woman of average height and weight, who exercises (moderate intensity) daily, is supposed to have at each meal -
- 3–4 ounces of lean protein
- ½–1 cup of whole grains
- 1–2 cups of colorful fruits and vegetables
7. Sleep Enough
You lose more calories with a good night’s sleep. Your body will have elevated levels of ghrelin (appetite stimulant) and low levels of leptin (appetite suppressant) if you do not sleep for 6–8 hours at night.
Click here to continue reading more tips on loosing weight by eating Naturally
Originally published at https://divineyouwellness.com on July 15, 2021.