Often, smiling is thought of as an involuntary response to a joyful situation. However, the mere sense of smiling can invoke instant positivity. Did you know there are many health benefits associated with smiling? Take a look

Often, smiling is thought of as an involuntary response to a joyful situation. However, the mere sense of smiling can invoke instant positivity. For many, smiling is a conscious effort as it generates positivity, enhances mood, and improves immunity for a healthier body. Hence, the more you smile the more restored you will feel. Read on to find out the great benefits of smiling.
8 Health Benefits of Smiling
1) Longevity
Smiling and longevity go together like a hand in a glove. According to research conducted in 2010, genuine and powerful smiling helps to increases the lifespan of an individual. Smiling increases the levels of happy hormones — serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins — responsible for holistic health, which improves lifespan. Therefore, this conscious activity should be practiced regularly.
2) Lowers Blood Pressure
A study conducted in 2009 suggests smiling increases heart rate followed by muscle relaxation for a few seconds, which drops the heart rate and blood pressure. This decreases the risk of heart disease. Hence, the more you laugh and smile, the healthier your heart is!
3) Mood Enhancer
Happy hormone — endorphin — is released when a person smiles. Subsequently, the person feels happier and more positive as long as the endorphin levels are high. So, the next time you feel the blues, stand in front of the mirror and smile back at yourself, and you will experience an improvement in your mood and thoughts.
4) Stress Reliever
One of the benefits of smiling is it is a stress damper. It eats away at our well-being and easily displays in our faces. Often, stress causes diseases of the body and mind, some of which may never heal. It’s important to focus on maintaining holistic health. Subsequently, smiling, whether consciously or unconsciously, can help reduce stress. The more stressed you feel, the more effort you should make to smile!
Additional Read
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5) Immunity Booster
Smiles and laughter signal the brain to release happy hormones to fight illnesses. Subsequently, your immune system gets stronger helping you stay well.
Research conducted in 2015 suggests, women who participated in laughter therapy postpartum had a stronger immune system and were averse to postpartum depression.
Want to boost your immunity and stay healthy during the freezing winters? Smile and laugh as hard as you can, as often as I can. I’m smiling as I write this article. Continue reading more on the benefits of smiling by clicking here…
Originally published at https://divineyouwellness.com on March 1, 2022.