7 Reasons Why Relationships Fail and Don’t Work Out for You — Divine You
There can be numerous reasons why a relationship fails but if it happens frequently with you, maybe you are going after the wrong people or you need to look at the below-mentioned reasons carefully. Take a look.

The disappointment of a relationship that fails and doesn’t work out the way you’d hoped can be debilitating. There was no reason why it didn’t work out at the time. You loved them so much, what was the problem?
There are many different reasons why relationships fail, so if you see any of these issues in your relationship, you should either address them or consider whether or not you want to be in a relationship with someone who brings these issues into the mix.
7 Reasons Why Relationships Fail
1. You are afraid to ask what you really want
There are so many things people wish they could say to their spouses but are afraid to say, such as — I’d like more sex. But saying it out loud is strange. To top it all off, they don’t want their partner to feel awful.
The more dates couples go on while dating, the better it would be for both of them. However, that does not mean they can’t spend time apart. Becoming insecure might create a distance between the other partner and their loved ones which is not healthy.
Asking for what you want can be difficult, awkward, or even frightening at times. However, you cannot just sit and do nothing and expect everything will work out on its own by some miracle.
2. You and your partner have a difference in maturity
If your partner acts like an actual child, it can be tough to get past the fact that they are just like children at heart. They might not be compatible with you. Or, they add a special type of goofiness to your relationship that makes you always smile and mess around.
If your spouse acts like a teenager even though you’re both adults (i.e., grumpy, attention-seeking, and prone to tantrums) this might cause problems because you’re trying to be in an adult relationship with someone who acts significantly younger than they should be.
Even if you’re an independent adult, you may find yourself in this situation if your partner is incapable of taking care of themselves. No one wants to be a parent and a partner simultaneously, so if your spouse is acting immaturely, it’s time to tell them to grow up or go out of your life.
3. You don’t know the real person you are dating
Six months is the average length of time it takes for a person to let go of their inhibitions and shed their colonial charm. Until then, you won’t be able to see what’s beneath the surface.
If you remove it, your partner’s flaws and quirks will be exposed, revealing who they really are. The decision is yours to make at this point: whether or not you choose to stick around or move on.
4. You depend on your partner to feel better
Self-doubting and insecure Partner A is introduced to Partner B, who is overconfident and borderline egotistical. At first, everything appears to be going swimmingly: anxious Partner A confides in secure Partner B, who calms her nerves with reassurances galore.
The situation, however, swiftly unravels when insecure Partner A recognizes that the confident assurances offered do not genuinely address the root cause of their insecurity.
On the other hand, Partner B begins to resent Partner A as “too dependent” and “fragile” as the relationship progresses. Once the trust has been lost, and the anger has festered for some time, the partnership will end violently or with an agonizingly slow whimper.
There’s a lesson to be learned here. Your emotional well-being is entirely within your own hands. Please don’t turn it into your partner’s responsibility.
Our interactions with others obviously influence our mental health and well-being. In other words, if you’re going into a relationship relying on the other person to be happy, you’re setting yourself up for failure from the get-go. This is one of the main reasons why relationships fail.
5. You and your partner are too different
They say opposites attract, but if you and your spouse are the complete opposite, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get along. Having different tastes is acceptable, but if your partner refuses to watch, try, or do things you enjoy because they ‘don’t like it,’ your relationship is headed for significant turbulence! This is one of the most common causes of failed partnerships. Continue reading on Reasons why relationships fail by clicking here…
Originally published at https://divineyouwellness.com on January 18, 2022.